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Your Knowledge Bank. Our AI. Your Empowered Sales Team!

With  ZERO learning curve  on WhatsApp & Slack.

One-stop Sales Enablement Solution

Upload your entire organizational knowledge repositories including PDFs, manuals, brochures, FAQs, YT videos, etc on the model and train it. Manage all your documents in one place to make it accessible for your in-house teams

Documents Training

Once the training is done, your personalized GPT is ready to answer all your questions. Get an accurate response from the model with the document source link attached. 

Ask Questions

Deploy the model on a server of your choice including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, etc., Deployment on your server make sure your uploaded files are safe and secure within the model.


Give model access to the customer-facing team on WhatsApp with vernacular support, so they can ask queries from anywhere. Also, get answers through of voice-note.

Team Mapping

Upload your entire organizational knowledge repositories including PDFs, manuals, videos, FAQs, etc on the model and train it. Manage

all your documents in one place to make it accessible for your in-house teams

Documents Training
Train documents on the model

Deploy the model on a server of your choice including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, etc., Deployment on your server make sure your uploaded files are safe and secure within the model.

Deploy the model of cloud services like Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, etc.

Once the training is done, your personalized GPT is ready to answer all your questions.

Get an accurate response from the model with the document source link attached. 

Ask Questions
Ask questions on the LLM-model and get quick answers accessed from the organizational knowledge repositories

Give model access to the customer-facing team on WhatsApp with vernacular support, so they can ask queries from anywhere. Also, get answers through of voice-note.

Team Mapping
Map your customer-facing team on WhatsApp so they can ask questions on phone in their preferred language

How an efficient sales process works?

Sales is multistep process where each step is interconnected with each other . Our platform provides you one stop solution for all your sales needs with perfect mix of technology and human expertise .

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Identifying and qualifying potential customers or leads who show interest in a product or service.

Lead prospecting

Collecting information about potential customers or leads. Which might be your loyal customers in future .

Lead capturing

Communicating with your qualified leads across various channels through qualified professionals  

Connecting with client

Get in touch with your potential leads through automated follow ups to turn them into your customer.

Automated follow-up

Effective Knowledge Dissemination

Upload all internal repositories like PDFs, Google Docs, Excel, and Manuals, and build your secured knowledge base which is easily accessible by customer-facing and sales teams.

Disseminate the knowledge till the last mile!

Uploading documents on to train them

Sign Up Now

Uploading documents on to train them

Effective Knowlege Dissemination

Upload all repositories like PDFs, Docs, Excel, Manuals, and YouTube videos, and build your secured knowledge base which is easily accessible by your customer-facing and sales team.

Disseminate the knowledge till the last mile!

Ask Question 

Get customer queries resolved in seconds. Ask queries on the model and get the most accurate answer. Handle live customers' queries and be responsive on the call. 

Use Pre-Built Agents

QnA Master Agent

Get every query resolved in a second. Get documents source with response.

Clarification Agent

Get clarification questions from model to get more precise answer.

Comparative Yoda

Compare products & insights from multiple document and get answer in tbular format.

Data Trends Jedi

Gives you data trends in bar or line graph from your connected databases

Whether scheduling a client meeting, updating CRM, or sending minutes of meetings via email, all can be done with a single WhatsApp voice note. Describe your meeting on message and it automates all tasks.

Automate your tasks with Sales Action Bot

Get detailed reports on number of questions asked by team members on the model

Monitor Team's Performance

Supervise your team's overall performance with detailed reports on the total number of queries asked on the model & WhatsApp. Check the queries the teams face most often during meetings.

Don't build from scratch, get

Map team on WhatsApp

AI buddy for your customer-facing team, ready to assist them anywhere

Map your team on WhatsApp so they can ask queries on customer queries from anywhere in their preferred language. Ask queries and get answers through voice messages.

Automate your tasks with Sales Action Bot

Whether scheduling a client meeting, updating CRM, or sending meeting minutes via email, all can be done with a single WhatsApp voice note. Describe your client's call to the bot and it will automate the tasks required. 

Supervise your team's performance with
detailed reports highlighting total queries asked on the model. Check the queries the customer-facing team faces often during calls.

Monitor team's performance

Get detailed reports on number of questions asked by team members on the model

Deploy on any Interface

Deploy the model on any interface and disseminate knowledge till the last mile of the customer-facing team. It can implemented on your Website, CRM, WhatsApp, or any other interface of choice. 

Watch Demo 

Real-time Call Support

Fetch queries from the live customer calls and get their answers quick. With vernacular support, model is trained to identify every language and deleiver the answer in same language. Also, share expert's answers to team when they are on a live call.

Watch Demo

API Integration

Easily integrate your existing documental database with API to make every data accessible to the customer-facing team, so they don't trawl various documents. Disseminate internal information effectively till the last mile.

Deploy on any Interface

Deploy the model on any interface and disseminate knowledge till the last mile of the customer-facing team. It can implemented on your Website, CRM, WhatsApp, or any interface of choice.

Watch Demo 

Real-Time Call Support

Assist your sales reps during ongoing
customer calls. Fetch queries from the customer call and get quick answers.
Save these queries along with answers. Share expert's answers with the reps
when they are on a call.

Watch Demo

API Integtraion

Easily integrate your existing CRM, SAP,
or DMS API with to access
data in real-time. Connecting database,
lets your customer-facing team access insightful data quickly and find solutions
for customer queries quickly.

How Industry giants use Gen AI

How Giants are using Generative AI


Get your own LLM-model trained on internal data

Building an LLM-model from scratch is a tough job, we make it easier for you. does all what required to improve team's productivity.

Customize the LLM-model trained on internal data for specific use case
Customize for your use case

Train model on internal documents, informational database

Superfast trained of any complex or unorganized documents
Superfast training

Trained on any unsemantics or complex documents and response simplest

Deployed on latest LLM-model Mistral AI and Llama-3 which ensures response accuracy
Exceptional Accuracy

Deployed on Mistral AI and Llama-3 which ensures more accurate responses

Get data trends through bar, line and scatter graph of previous data or insights
More than just text-to-SQL

Get data trends through graphs, insights and not just SQL queries response

Seamless integration with WhatsApp or Slack

Seamless Integration

Integrate with WhatsApp or Slack to let team access data at their instance on mobile phone

Data remains at the instance of the server to ensure data security and control

Enhanced security and control

Data stays at the instance on the server of your choice


Customize the LLM-model trained on internal data for specific use case

Customize for your use case

Train model on internal documents informational database

Train model on internal documents informational database

Superfast trained of any complex or unorganized documents

Superfast training

Trained on any unsemantic or complex documents and response simplest

Deployed on latest LLM-model Mistral AI and Llama-3 which ensures response accuracy

Exceptional Accuracy

Deployed on Mistral AI and Llama-3 LLMs ensures more accurate responses

Get data trends through bar, line and scatter graph of previous data or insights

More than just text-to-SQL

Get data trends through graphs, insights and not
just SQL queries responses

Seamless integration with WhatsApp or Slack

Seamless integration

Integrate with WhatsApp or Slack to let team access data at their instance on mobile phone

Data remains at the instance of the server to ensure data security and control

Enhanced security and control

Data stays at the instance on the server of your choice

Building LLM from scratch is a tough job, we make it easier for you.

Morgan Stanley adopts AI Assistant for Financial Advisors

Morgan Stanley, an investment bank and wealth management firm has recently unveiled their internal Gen AI model for financial advisors and support staff members. This AI model is built using Open AI’s GPT-4, which helps thousands of wealth managers find answers quickly from a massive internal knowledge base, and also cut down client onboarding time by more than...

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Cognizant's Generative AI ease the Manufacturing efforts

Cognizant leverages its Operations Intelligence enabling codify cumulative expert input as knowledge graphs in Microsoft Azure. The technology develops a maintenance advisory solution that would store thousands of product specs pages, FAQs, manuals, and log data in an application that can respond with a speech interface or chat. This enables...

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Save Max Canada used Gen-AI
to Generate Leads

Save Max Property Search, a Canada-based Real Estate Company, with a team of 700+ agents and a franchise network in India and Canada. In the past decade, they have crossed the transaction of $10 Billion by deploying effective business strategies. Save Max after deploying Virtual Assistant, they were able to generate thousands of leads, with ...

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Empower your customer-facing team!

so you never lose any potential customer


Empower your sales team with!

so you never lose any potential customer

Map team on WhatsApp 

AI buddy for your customer-facing team, ready to assist them anywhere

Give model access to your sales team on WhatsApp so they can ask queries anywhere in their preferred language. Not only this, ask questions and get answers through voice-note. 

UPDATES TO THIS NOTICE?We reserve the right to change this policy from time to time. Any changes shall be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Policy. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

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